ECA Reflection and Mobile Rig Completion.

One year ago, I founded Eos Chasma Audio. 

And what a year it has been. Eos Chasma has had the privilege to work with some of Nashville's finest artists. We've established connections and relationships with the best of Nashville's numerous recording studios. We've learned from our invaluable network of audio experts and created a foothold for the high resolution community to grow in Music City. 

A humble beginning, with hopes for growth for years to come. 

When I created Eos Chasma Audio, I planned to provide a traditional music production experience. As the idea matured and grew, the business followed. Why provide a traditional experience when technology can offer so much more? Why not expand into fields that insist on perfection and that have demand to grow into the 21st century. Why not, indeed?

Everyday, I am excited and inspired from what ECA has turned into. The artists and clients we are privileged to work with provide us with the means to continue to expand and push the boundaries of high resolution audio. And the future is bright. Thank you for a fantastic year one.  

The Mobile Rig is born. 

A large portion of my time recently has been dedicated to designing and building a multi-faceted mobile recording rig. I'm proud to say that as of today, it is fully operational. The rig itself is designed for classical music and acoustic music production, providing outstanding conversion, DSD capable technology, and excellent microphones. The ability to pack up and move the rig means that the best sounding acoustic spaces are now at our fingertips. The world-class conversion is also a perfect fit for our forensic audio and restoration services. More details of the equipment will be available on the ECA website. We are excited about this, and we can't wait to create amazing audio solutions with you using this gear.